Enrollment opens for RCDP Natural History Study


Med-Life Discoveries is happy to announce that the RCDP Natural History Study it is sponsoring at the Alfred I DuPont Hospital for Children with Principal Investigator Dr. Michael Bober is now actively recruiting participants.

This is a prospective, longitudinal trial in patients with RCDP. Study participants will be evaluated at baseline and approximately every six months by the study team.

To be included in the trial participants must be between the ages of 6 months and 21 years, with a biochemically confirmed clinical diagnosis of RCDP. Participants may not participate if they are too ill to travel to the clinical site (as determined by the study physician), they do not have a guardian or caregiver which can provide accurate information about the patient, or they are involved in any other clinical trial.

If you are interested in participating you can find more information here or contact the Study Coordinator Candace Muss at 302-651-5476 or Candace.Muss@nemours.org.

Tara Smith