Virtual Update and Q&A

Hello Rhizofamilies,

Following the announcement of the Health Canada approval for the Phase 1 there has been a lot of excitement about the stage of MLD’s PPI-1011 program for RCDP. This has also lead to a number of questions within the community. With this in mind we thought we would hold another update on Wednesday, June 21st, at 5pm EST. As with the previous updates, the format will be a zoom meeting in which MLD will be providing updates, and then we will open the floor to answer everyone’s questions. If you have ever wished you could ask us about MLD, our therapies, or anything else now is your chance.

Please fill out the form below if you are interested. We will require an email address and phone number for the zoom invite. The meeting links will be secure, and only those registered will be able to attend. Registration will be open until 5pm EST on Monday June 19th . A meeting invite will be sent out to everyone after that with instructions on how to join.

Tara Smith